Monday, March 7, 2011

college trip reflection

One thing I liked in the college for all trip is that I learned a new word tatertots. Another thing I liked was when we went to the college of Santa Cruz  because their was lots of animals and I like animals. But one thing i didn't like was when we had to clean the hotel's because their was a big mess because at night we were playing to much but it was still fun because we didn't sleep till 5:00 am. so that is my reflection of college for all

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Our area of study is about gang violence. Gangs in define as  violence   
between rival groups of people fighting for land or street. Gangs are oppressive  because they hurt innocent people and do violence on the streets. Gangs are oppressors when they jump a person for their money. They Our area of study is about gang violence. Gangs is define as violence between  rival groups of are also oppressive because they tag in peoples property and that makes customers scared to come to the store.So that’s why gangs are oppressive in Oakland.  

freedom poem

I have a dream to be treated equally as everyboby else

I have a dream that no one will call my family aliens

I have a dream to be treated with respect

I have a dream to live the American dream

I have a dream.


I am what ever i say i am if i wasn't why would i say i am. I am a boy that live's with a lovin family that cares,love,and respects people. I am the boy who people say he is nice  so i am the boy, the kid, man that every body respects so i love people and my family.